niedziela, 9 marca 2014

Defining emotion

"Our emotions accompany us throughout our lives so thoroughly and profoundly that we can scarcely consider any of the other ways of knowing without their interwoven emotions. Certainly our sense perceptions, imagination and memories are affected, surely our faith, and definitely the shadings of our language."

The word emotion has originates from Latin movere meaning "to move". Our emotions can be caused by some external factors (being cased by a snarling dog causes fear; first prize in important competition causes pride and happiness, break up with a boyfriend - despair and sorrow) or internal factors (sometimes we wake up feeling sad in the morning but not know why... but be careful, sometimes it is just because of perspective of another day at school, so an external factor ;))
There are six universal emotions that each and every person can recognise:
  • anger
  • happiness

  • sadness
  • surprise
  • fear
  • disgust
The same situation in different people can cause completely different reactions, which leads also different emotions, for example having Chinese food for diner for one person may be the cause to be extremely happy ("Oh, I LOVE Chinese food"), for other - rather disgust ("Oh, I HATE Chinese food"). It can cause surprise ("Chinese food? Wow, you've never before prepared something like that") or anger ("Again Chinese food, you knew very well that I wanted to have pancakes today, but no, again this stuff. You never think about MY needs...")

Of course there are much more than those basic six emotions. A lot of them are strongly connected to each other, like that:

The graph quite clearly shows how complicated the net of emotions is, how one of them connects of others and how many levels of every emotion can we recognize.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”
Helen Keller

Is it emotion a complete opposition to reason? And which of those is the one we should listen in our life?

I leave it to you to think about it :)

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